
The Gold Standard in Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy for dogs

Clinical Case Referral

In order to register you with us the Veterinary Surgeons act requires us to arrange a referral for your pet. This means the Vet must ‘prescribe’ Veterinary Physiotherapy. Don’t worry though – it’s very simple to do. Please complete the form below and we will arrange for your vet to issue this prescription to us. Alternatively download the form to complete in your own time and take this directly to your vet for completion and return.

Book Treatments...
Section A | Personal Details
Section B | Animal Details
Section C | Veterinary Information
Section D | Background Information

Download Form

Click here to download a referral form to complete in your own time

Important Information:

Unless your pet is under the care of another Veterinary Neuromuscular Therapist (such as at a Veterinary Hospital) we start all new clinical cases with a detailed top-to-tail clinical assessment. If your pet is under the care of another specialist referring for Hydrotherapy only please let us know in this form.

Our consultation process allows us to provide you with an absolutely bespoke treatment plan for your pet, give you exercises and home care advice for your pet and answer any questions you have about the ongoing care of your dog. Every single pet is different and this is a critical step to ensuring that the care we provide delivers results - you are more than a number to us - we care about outcomes.

We've got it!

Great news, we’ve got your referral form.

What happens now?

Our team will review your referral form and speak to your vets to arrange the legal paperwork required. Once we’ve got it back we’ll call you to book an appointment. Expect to hear from us in about a week’s time.

Ready to book an appointment now?

We have sent you an email with login details for your new account so that you can provisionally book an appointment online.